sveltejs Professional Training
Technology Learners
Online and Classroom Sessions
Week Days and Week Ends
1.5 hrs in weekdays and 3hrs during Weekend
•Learn how to code in sveltejs.
•How to implement sveltejs on different Platforms.
•Improve your front end design and development skills
•Learn about each and every major sveltejs component.
•Understand when and how to use sveltejs elements variables.
•You can learn sveltejs to code like a pro!
•Learn and Understand sveltejs From a total Beginner to and Expert
•Go through all the steps to designing a game from start to finish.Learn sveltejs from basic to advanced with examples and interactive sessions at peak.
•Post training offline support available
•Basic Training starting with fundamentals
•Software & others tools installation Guidance
•The courses range from basic to advanced level
•60+ Hours of Intensive Classroom & Online Sessions
•Training by Proficient Trainers with more than a decade of experience
•Curriculum based on course outlines defined by in-demand skills in Python.
•Very in depth course material with Real Time Scenarios for each topic with its Solutions for Online Trainings.
•Backend Developer, mongodb, Sql Server, vba, Node.js, cube, ssis, ssrs, ssas, Architectural Design, html, Advanced Excel, analytics, Advanced Analytics
•IOS Developer, .net c#, c c++ java, accounts finance sap fico, sap mm functional consultant
•java, php, .net, 3dmodelling, unitydeveloper, androiddeveloper, gamedeveloper, Software Developer, Php, Java, Photoshop
•React.js, core, .net Core, React Native, Front End Developers, .Net Developers, .Net Tech Leads
•Software Developer, quality testing engineers, Ui Developers, Oracle Apps, Sap Modules, Sharepoint Developers, Tibco Developers, .net Developers, java
Course Intro
•Svelte Info
•Course Requirements
•Text Editor Setup
•Video Quality
•Svelte Tutorial – Budget Calculator Project
•Starter Application
•Folder Structure
•Setup Files
•Add Global CSS and Font-Awesome
•Component Overview
•Navbar Component Intro
•Navbar Component
•Title Component
•Props Basics
•Each Block
•Expenses Data
•Expenses Component
•Else and Passing Props
•Expense Component
•If Block
•Component Communication
•Important Svelte Update !!!
•Prop Drilling
•SetContext and GetContext
•Clear Expenses Button
•Form Setup
•Two Way Binding
•Empty Values Functionality
•Form Submission
•Add New Expense
•Pass Edit Values into Form
•OPTIONAL – Different Approach
•Toggle Form
•Lifecycle Functions
•Setup LocalStorage API
•slot basics
•Complete Modal
•Transition Basics
•Transtion Parameters
•Transtion – in: and out:
•Modal Transtions
•Simple Expense Transtion
•Key Expression in Each Block and animate
•HTTP Request using onMount
•HTTP Request using #Await Blocks
•Deploy on Netlify – Drag and Drop
•Deploy on Netlify – Continuous Deployment
•Finished Application
•Razors E-Commerce Project
•Bootstrap Svelte Application
•Folder Structure and Resources
•Setup Project Pages
•Important Svelte Router Update !!!
•Svelte Router Setup
•Url Parameters
•Hero Component
•Local Data Structure
•Svelte Store Benefits/Basics
•Products Store Setup
•Flatten Products
•Store Unsubscribe
•Store Unsubscribe Shorthand
•Products Component Complete
•Single Product Complete
•Loading Component
•Featured Products
•Derived Stores
•Single Product Page
•svelte:head element
•Small Navbar
•Cart Button
•Big Navbar
•Toggle Navbars
•Basic Sidebar
•Global Store Basics
•Setup Close Sidebar Function
•Use Close Sidebar Function
•Sidebar Transitions
•Cart Basics
•Cart Structure
•Cart Store Initial Setup
•Cart Items
•Single Cart Item
•Cart List Transitions
•Cart Total
•Remove Item
•Increase Amount
•Decrease Amount
•Decrease Amount Refactor – OPTIONAL
•Add To Cart
•LocalStorage Setup
•User Store Setup
•Login/Logout Links
•Strapi Info
•Bootstrap Strapi App
•Strapi Basics
•Products Content Type
•Add Products
•API Access
•Products Store
•Image Problem Fix
•Login Page – Variables
•Login Page – HTML
•Login Page – Basic Functionality
•Login – General Overview
•registerUser Function
•loginUser Function
•User Store Update
•setupUser Function
•Alert Basics
•Configure Alert
•Alert with Form Sumbissions
•Close Alert Programmatically
•Double Check Login Functionality
•Checkout Page Overview
•Checkout Page Basics
•Restrict Access
•Empty Cart
•Checkout Form – Basic Setup
•Setup Stripe Account
•Stripe Elements – HTML
•Stripe Elements – Javascript
•Stripe Token
•Empty Cart Error
•Order Content Type
•Submit Order Function
•Complete Submit Order
•Complete App
•Free Claudinary Account
•Connect Claudinary with Strapi
•Free Heroku Account
•Install Heroku CLI
•Deploy Strapi on Heroku
•Setup Backend
•Deploy Svelte APP on Netlify
+91 70132 88656