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React Training Course




React Native Training Insitute


Working Professionals and Freshers


Online and Offline Classes


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

Daily 2 hrs during Weekdays

React Native Objectives

•How to work with React Native Tool.
•Explore how to use existing features in React Native.Learn React Native Programming The Fast and Easy Way!
•Learn a few useful and important topics in React Native.
•Learn from the basic and core guide to React Native
•Learn how to model in React Native with no previous experience
•Students will learn the core concept of making Real Life Project
•In This Course u Will Learn How To Develop Apps using React Native
•Learn React Native from basic to advanced with examples and interactive sessions at peak.

react training course Course Highlights

•Get job-ready for an in-demand career
•Resume & Interviews Preparation Support
•We assist on Internship on Real-Time Project 
•Immersive hands-on training on Python Programming
•Facility of Lab on cloud available (based on booking)
•Collaboration With 500+ Clients for Placements and Knowledge Sessions
•Make aware of code competence in building extensive range of applications using Python
•We help the students in building the resume boost their knowledge by providing useful Interview tips

Who are eligible for React Native

•Architect, Program Manager, Delivery Head, Technical Specialist, developer, Sr. Developer, Transition Manager, Quality Manager, Consultant
•Embedded Technologies, Semiconductor Technologies, Web Services, Database Services, Cloud Computing, Industrial Automation, Ecommerce, Datbase Architect
•Java/j2ee, Microsoft, Erp, Cloud, Qa/testing, Automation Testing, Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Agile Project Management, Mobility
•Qa Automation, Ror Developer, Android Developer, Bluetooth Developer, Android Application Developer, Embedded Development, Javascript, Ruby, Postgres, SQL
•Web Apps, ios/android/windows, Ux Designers, web/mobile developer, html5/css3/javascript/mobile code, testing, automation, manual, mobile, web, ui


Introduction to this course
•Advanced JavaScript
•Const, Let and Var
•[TASK] Const, Let and Var
•[SOLUTION]: Const, Let and Var
•Function Constructors & Classes
•[TASK] Function Constructors & Classes
•[SOLUTION] Function Constructors & Classes
•Function References
•[TASK] Function References
•[SOLUTION] Function References
•Arrow Functions
•[TASK] Arrow Functions
•[SOLUTION] Arrow Functions
•Promises / Async / Await
•[TASK] Promises / Async / Await
•[SOLUTION] Promises / Async / Await
•[TASK] Destructuring
•[SOLUTION] Destructuring
•Spread Operator
•[TASK] Spread Operator
•[SOLUTION] Spread Operator
•Rest Operator
•[TASK] Rest Operator
•[SOLUTION] Rest Operator
•Key Interpolation
•[TASK] Key Interpolation
•[SOLUTION] Key Interpolation
•Map & Filter
•[TASK] Map & Filter
•[SOLUTION] Map & Filter
•[TASK] Modules
•[SOLUTION] Modules
•Ternary Operator
•[TASK] Ternary Operator
•[SOLUTION] Ternary Operator
•React Classic: Introduction
•Windows Installation
•MacOS Installation
•Ubuntu Linux Installation
•JSX: Expressions & Conditional Rendering
•[TASK] JSX: Expressions & Conditional Rendering
•[SOLUTION] JSX: Expressions & Conditional Rendering
•JSX: Arrays
•[TASK] JSX: Arrays
•[TASK] Sub-Components
•[SOLUTION] Sub-Components
•React Classic: State & Events
•Definition of State
•[TASK] Definition of State
•[SOLUTION] Definition of State
•Definition of Events
•[TASK] Definition of Events
•[SOLUTION] Definition of Events
•Events in JSX-Lists
•[TASK] Events in JSX-Lists
•[SOLUTION] Events in JSX-Lists
•React Classic: Communication between 2 components
•Stateful VS. Stateless Components
•[TASK] Stateful VS. Stateless Components
•[SOLUTION] Stateful VS. Stateless Components
•Downward Communication via Passing Function References
•[TASK] Downward Communication via Passing Function References
•[SOLUTION] Downward Communication via Passing Function References
•Upward Communication via Passing Function References
•Excourse: Radio Buttons
•[TASK] Upward Communication via Passing Function References
•[SOLUTION] Upward Communication via Passing Function References
•Sub-Components with an Ending-Tag
•[TASK] Sub-Components with an Ending-Tag
•[SOLUTION] Sub-Components with an Ending-Tag
•React Classic: Lifecycle
•Mounting Phase
•Updating Phase
•Unmounting Phase
•[TASK] Lifecycle
•[SOLUTION] Lifecycle
•React Classic: Routing
•Definition of a Route
•[TASK] Definition of a Route
•[SOLUTION] Definition of a Route
•React Classic: Multi-Layered Communication
•Props Drilling
•[TASK] Props Drilling
•[SOLUTION] Props Drilling
•Context API
•[TASK] Context API
•Context API with Reducer
•[TASK] Context API with Reducer
•[SOLUTION] Context API with Reducer
•[TASK] Redux
•Redux With Two Reducers
•[TASK] Redux With Two Reducers
•[SOLUTION] Redux With Two Reducers
•React Classic: AJAX
•[TASK] Fetch
•Redux Thunk
•[TASK] Redux Thunk
•[SOLUTION] Redux Thunk
•Localhost as Backend
•[TASK] Localhost as Backend
•[SOLUTION] Localhost as Backend
•React Classic: HOC
•[TASK] Higher Order Components
•[SOLUTION] Higher Order Components
•React Classic: Refs
•[TASK] HalloWorld
•[SOLUTION] HalloWorld
•React Hooks: Introduction
•Structure & Preparation
•Motivation: Why React Hooks?
•React Hooks: useState
•Example: HalloWorld
•Example: Primitives
•Example: Objects
•Example: Arrays
•[TASK] useState
•[SOLUTION] useState
•React Hooks: useEffect
•Example: Any Variable Changes
•Example: One or multiple variables change
•Example: After the component has mounted
•Example: Before the component unmounts
•Example: Initial Data Load
•Example: Data Load when State Variable Changes
•[TASK] useEffect
•[SOLUTION] useEffect
•React Hooks: useContext
•Changing the context
•Example: Changing the context
•Multiple Contexts
•Example: Multiple Contexts
•[TASK] useContext
•[SOLUTION] useContext
•React Hooks: useReducer
•Primitives, Objects and Arrays
•[TASK] useReducer
•[SOLUTION] useReducer
•React Hooks: useContext + useReducer
•[TASK] useReducer + useContext
•[SOLUTION] useReducer + useContext
•React Hooks: useMemo
•useEffect VS useMemo
•Example: useEffect VS useMemo
•[EXCOURSE] Sorting in Arrays
•[TASK] useMemo
•[SOLUTION] useMemo
•React Hooks: useCallback
•Example: useCallback
•Example: React.memo
•[TASK] useCallback + React.memo
•[SOLUTION] useCallback + React.memo
•React Hooks: useRef
•[TASK] useRef
•[SOLUTION] useRef
•React Hooks: Custom Hooks
•[TASK] Custom Hook
•[SOLUTION] Custom Hook