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Certification Course


Job Aspirants


Online and Offline Classes


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

30 to 45 days

Machine Learning What will you learn?

•Learn Fundamental Concepts of Python
•You will learn how to install Python.
•Become a better developer by mastering Python fundamentals
•Different tips on how to handle the Python interviews.
•Learn and Master Python with this time saving course
•Learn to design and run complex automated workflows for Python
•Learn How to code in Python in simple and easy way.
•You will have a strong understanding about how to develop Python project.
•Learn Python Complete Course with Professionals from Scratch and Become a Pro in Python

Python Course Features

•You Get Real Time Project to practice
•Resume & Interviews Preparation Support
•Fast Track course available with best Fees
•Immersive hands-on training on Python Programming
• Greater productivity and increased workforce morale
•Access to a huge closet containing information about Hadoop
•Affordable fee structure to help as many students strive career in IT industry
•Very in depth course material with Real Time Scenarios for each topic with its Solutions for Online Trainings.

Who are eligible for Python

•.Net Developer, SilverLight, MVC3, Entity Framework 4, WCF, SQL/PLSQL, c#, SQL Server 2008, HTML5, .Net
•Iot, Embedded Systems, Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth, Web Designing, Responsive Web Design, Visual Web Developer, Aws, Cloud Computing, Algorithm
•Java, Core Java, J2ee, Ui, Java Fullstack, Front End, Angularjs, Angular, React.js, Java Senior Developers, Java Developers, Java Lead, Ui Lead, Ui Developers
•Oracle Developers, Web Designing, Web Development, Web Technologies, photoshop, illustrator, user interface designing, brochures, Digital Content, ui
•Software Engineer, Software Developer, Business Analyst, manager, Delivery Manager, Team Lead, .Net Framework, Java Framework, Mobile Application Development



&#10004Python Data Science
✔Python Data Science Introduction
✔Python Data Science Environment Setup
✔Python Pandas
✔Python Numpy
✔Python SciPy
✔Python Matplotlib
✔Learning What MarkLogic Is
✔Understanding What MarkLogic is Being Used For
✔Getting Started With How MarkLogic Works
✔System Requirements
✔Download the Virtual Machine
✔Using Virtual Box
✔Getting Set Up
✔MarkLogic System Requirements
✔System Architecture
✔DB Concepts
✔Transact – Structured Query Language (T-SQL)
✔Data Definition Language
✔Data Manipulation Language
✔Data Control Language
✔T-SQL Extensions
✔What is IoT?
✔How IoT is applied in different domains?
✔Use cases ranging from Smart Cities to IIoT
✔How large is the IoT Market in different domains?
✔What is Programming
✔Logic behind data storage
✔What is Java
✔Platform Independent
✔Details on JVM
✔Variables and Datatype
✔Introduction to Linux
✔Linux admin commands
✔Introduction to Cloud
✔Comparison with Amazon AWS and Rackspace cloud
✔Other Cloud frameworks
✔Introduction to OpenStack and its components
✔Virtualization techniques
✔What is Ruby
✔Why ruby
✔General purpose of ruby
✔Brief History of Ruby
✔Where does ruby get its ideas
✔Ruby Installation with RVM
✔Creating a basic script in ruby
✔Sample demo of ruby program
✔SharePoint 2013 Overview
✔SharePoint 2013 Architecture
✔SharePoint On-Premises and Cloud differences
✔Software & Hardware requirements
✔SharePoint 2013 Installation & Configuration of a New Farm
✔Exploring SharePoint 2013 Central Administration
✔Load Runner Installation
✔Load Runner architecture
✔Where to install Load Runner components
✔Identify hardware and software needed for installation
✔Installing Load Runner samples.
✔What is automation testing?
✔What is the use of automation testing?
✔What do we need to Automate?
✔What is Selenium?
✔Advantages of Selenium
✔What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?
✔Selenium with C#
✔Course Introduction
✔Introduction to UNIX/LINUX
✔History of UNIX/LINUX
✔Features and Benefits of UNIX/LINUX
✔Different flavors of UNIX/LINUX
✔Difference between UNIX, DOS, Windows and LINUX
✔Architecture of UNIX
✔What You Should Already Know
✔What is jQuery?
✔Adding the jQuery Library to Your Pages
✔Basic jQuery Example
✔Downloading jQuery
✔Alternatives to Downloading
✔jQuery Syntax
✔The Document Ready Function
✔How to use Custom Scripts?
✔Using Multiple Libraries
✔jQuery – noConflict() Method
✔XML and Ajax
✔XML,DOM and Javascript
✔Dynamic Tables
✔Review of Object Literals
✔Concepts: Model-View-Controller
✔What is Model-View-Controller?
✔How does Backbone.js fit into this model?
✔What about the back-end?
✔What is Bootstrap?
✔Features of Bootstrap
✔History of Bootstrap
✔Bootstrap Overview
✔Bootstrap Installation
✔Tools Used for Web Development
✔Setting Development Environment
✔Bootstrap First Application
✔Bootstrap Components Overview
✔Basic Typography
✔Text Alignment & Display
✔Floats Position in Bootstrap
✔Colors Background
✔Spacing in Bootstrap
✔Sizing in Bootstrap
✔Breakpoints in Bootstrap
✔Buttons in Bootstrap
✔Navbars in Bootstrap
✔List groups and Badges in Bootstrap
✔Forms in Bootstrap
✔Input groups in Bootstrap
✔Alerts & Progress bars in Bootstrap
✔Tables & Pagination in Bootstrap
✔Cards in Bootstrap
✔Media Objects
✔Grid System in Bootstrap
✔Grid Alignments in Bootstrap
✔Flex boxes in Bootstrap
✔Auto margin & wrapping order in
✔Carousels in bootstrap
✔Collapse classes in Bootstrap
✔Tooltips in Bootstrap
✔Popovers in Bootstrap
✔Modals in bootstrap
&#10004Setting up path
&#10004Working with Python
&#10004Basic Syntax
&#10004Variable and Data Types

Conditional Statements

✔If- else
✔Nested if-else


✔Nested loops

Control Statements


String Manipulation

&#10004Declaring String
✔Initializing  String
✔String Functions
✔String Formatted Specifiers
✔Multiple Strings
✔Accessing Strings
✔Basic Operations
✔String slices
✔Function and Methods


✔Accessing list
✔Working with lists
✔Function and Methods


✔Accessing tuples
✔Functions and Methods


✔Accessing values in dictionaries
✔Working with dictionaries


&#10004Interdiction to Functions
✔Need for Functions
✔Classification of Functions
✔Function Prototype
✔Defining Function
✔Calling Function
✔Function with Arrays
✔Function with Strings
✔Recursive Functions
✔Introduction a Function
✔Deafening  a Function
✔Actual and Formal Arguments
✔Parameter Passing Techniques
✔Call by Value, Reference, Pointer
✔Default Arguments
✔Function Overloading
✔Inline Functions
✔Defining a function
✔Calling a function
✔Types of functions
✔Function Arguments
✔Anonymous functions
✔Global and local variables


&#10004Importing module
✔Math module
✔Random module


&#10004Printing on screen
✔Reading data from keyboard
✔Opening and closing file
✔Reading and writing files

Exception Handling

&#10004What is Exception?
✔Need of Handling Exceptions
✔Types Of Exceptions
✔Exception Handling Mechanism
✔What is Exception
✔try and catch block
✔Multiple catch block
✔Nested try and catch
✔finally block
✔throw & throws keyword
✔Finally vs Final vs Finalize
✔Exception Handling with Method Overriding
✔Custom Exception
✔Benefits of declarative exception handling
✔Exception Handling
✔Except clause
✔Try? finally clause
✔User Defined Exceptions

Advance Python-OOPs concept

&#10004Class and object
✔Data hiding

Advance Python-Regular expressions