Ajax Tech Training
Job Aspirants
Regular Offline and Online Live Training
Week Days and Week Ends
Daily 2 hrs during Weekdays
•Learn How To Use Ajax.
•You learn how to use Ajax code.
•Learn how to develop, build and deploy Ajax
•Learn how to handle errors and exceptions in Ajax.
•Learn while you build rich interactive applications with Ajax
•What is Ajax and How to Build apps using Ajax.
•Learn all the hooks and crooks of Ajax at your pace.
•Understand Ajax and how to use it to write styles programmatically in Ajax.
•Gain the ability to adapt to any coding language with the concepts of Ajax
•Free Aptitude classes & Mock interviews
•Resume & Interviews Preparation Support
•Software & others tools installation Guidance
•Classes are Accessible on Website and Mobile Apps
•Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
•Access to a huge closet containing information about Hadoop
•Every class will be followed by practical assignments which aggregates to minimum 60 hours.
•Lifetime access to our 24×7 online support team who will resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system.
•c#, .net Technologies, java, J2ee, c++, director, vp, architect, Senior Architect, Sde1, Sde3, Engineering Manager, Python Developer
•Devops, Javascript, Aws, Amazon Ec2, Angularjs, Vuejs, React.js, Node.js, Ansible, Docker, Startup, Architectural Design, Machine Learning, Python, Cloud
•Lamp/mean Stack Developers, Php, Node.js, Ui Development, Html5, WordPress, Ecommerce Development, jquery, Web Development, javascript, mysql, ajax, React.js
•OBIEE, OBIA, ODI, PHP, QA, Oracle Apps DBA, SQL Sever DBA, Dot Net Developer, Automation Testing, Informatica Developer, UI Designer, Agile PLM
•Sharepoint Architect, Mobile Architect, MSBI Module Lead, Filenet Developer, WBM, IBM BPM
•Download Tools
•Download Resource Files
•Object Oriented Programming Basics
•What is object oriented programming ?
•What is a class & how to define a class ?
•What is $this keyword ?
•Access level modifiers
•What is Inheritance ?
•Construct & Destruct methods
•Static methods & static properties
•Files autoloading
•PDO Basics
•Create database connection using PDO
•Insert data into database
•Fetch data from database
•Update & Delete records
•JSON Basics
•What is JSON
•Define JSON string in JavaScript file
•Create multiple JSON objects
•JSON data types
•Convert JavaScript object to JSON string
•Define JSON string in JSON file
•Use JSON in PHP
•AJAX Basics
•JavaScript Basics
•JavaScript Template String
•JavaScript Arrow Function
•What is AJAX ?
•Download jQuery library
•jQuery ajax methods
•Send ajax request using post method
•What is callback ?
•Store request data in the database
•Errors Handling
•Send ajax request using get method
•Send Ajax to JSON API
•Send ajax request using jQuery method
•Send http get request to JSON API using jQuery ajax method
•jQuery serialize method
•Submit form using another way
•[Project Part 01] Create PHP Classes
•Create database connection
•Improve connection code
•Grab values from HTML forms
•Create CRUD Method
•Create row count method
•Create method for to fetch single row
•Create method for to fetch all rows
•[Project Part 02] Submit Register & Login Form
•Project starter file review
•Set up register & login form
•Register & login form optimization
•Add event listener
•Form validations create a function for required rule
•Value Not be Integer
•Check String Minimum Length
•Check Email Field is Empty or Not ?
•Email Valid Format
•Check Email Availability in Database
•Perform Asynchronous Operations using JavaScript Callbacks
•Perform Asynchronous Operations using Promises
•Password Validations
•Submit Signup Form
•Redirect User to Login Form & Show Success Message
•Add Event Listener For Login
•Login Form Validations
•Send Ajax Request For Login
•[Project Part 03] CRUD Application
•Crud Application Demo
•Create Dashboard File
•User Logout
•Show Model on Edit Button
•Add Event Listener For Book Form
•Book Form Validations
•Price Must Be Greater Than Zero/0
•Add Book
•Rest Form & Display Success Message
•Show Books
•Solve Edit Link Issue
•Show Edit Data in Form
•Solve Add Book Link Issue
•Update Book Record
•Delete a Book Record
•Display Total Books & Total Amount
•Add Space Between Table & Success Message
•Ajax Images Gallery Project
•Gallery Application Demo
•Prepare Gallery file
•Add Event Listener For Upload Image Form
•Send Ajax Request For Upload Image
•Image Extension Validation
•Store all Upload Images in a Folder
•Store Image Names in Database
•Fetch Images From Database
•Display Dynamic Images
•Delete Image From Database & Directory
•Final Code Modifications
•Display Specific Records Per Page
•Count all Rows of Logged in User
•Show Pagination Links
•Style Up Pagination Links
•Make Pagination Links Functional
•Display limited Pagination Links
•Make Prev & Next Link Functional
•Set Active Class on Links
•Add First & Last Links
•Show Pagination links if we have grater than 3 records
+91 70132 88656