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Modern React Front To Back




React Native IT Training


Graduates and Technology Aspirants


Regular Offline and Online Live Training


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

Daily 2 hrs during Weekdays

React Native Objectives

•How to Properly Install React Native.
•Explore how to use existing features in React Native.Learn how to use loop statement in React Native.
•How to Make and design Web apps Using React Native.
•Learn from scratch how to execute code with React Native
•How to build your own apps and scripts using React Native.
•Learn Basic and Advanced React Native Programming and become a React Native Developer
•Go through all the steps to designing a game from start to finish.React Native -Learn how to use one component inside an other i.e complex components.

modern react front to back Training Highlights

•Additional Sessions for Doubt Clearing
•Course has been framed by Industry experts
•Highly competent and skilled IT instructors
•Immersive hands-on training on Python Programming
•We hire Top Technical Trainers for Quality Sessions
•Courseware that is curated to meet the global requirements
•We provide one to one mentorship for the students and Working Professionals
•We do Schedule the sessions based upon your comfort by our Highly Qualified Trainers and Real time Experts

Who are eligible for React Native

•Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Block Chain, Iot, Cloud Computing, Ux Design, Mobile Application Development, Natural Language Processing, Business
•Java Developer, Php, Sales Management, Product Management, Software Services, Ui Development, MySQL, MongoDB, Nginx, NoSQL, Solr, Elastic Search, ApacheJava Fullstack Developer, Java, Javascript, Data Structures, OOPS, Cassandra, NoSQL, Big Data, CI, XSLT, Maven, XML, Web Services, Microservices, SQL, Rest
•Qa Testers / Developers, Full Stack Developers – Backend / Frontend, Power Bi, Market Intelligence
•Software Development, Software Testing, Solution Design, software, Blueprism Developer, Rpa Developer


Course Introduction
•Welcome To The Course
•What Is React?
•Setting Up Our Environment
•Project 1 Start [Github Finder] & React Setup
•Project Introduction
•Code & Resources
•Create React App & File Structure
•CRA Cleanup & Prepare
•Intro To JSX & Fragments
•Expressions & Conditionals In JSX
•Components, State & Props
•Components, Props & PropTypes
•Getting Started With Component State
•Lists & Passing State With Props
•Stateless Functional Components
•HTTP Requests & Updating State
•Spinner Component & Refactoring
•Environment Variables
•Events, Passing Props, React Router & More
•Events & Search Component
•Passing Props Up & Search
•Clear Users From State
•Alert State & Component
•React Router Setup
•Single User Component & Data
•User Component UI & Layout
•Repos & RepoItem Component & Data
•Refactoring To Hooks & Context
•Overview of Hooks & Context
•Search Class to Function With useState Hook
•User Class to Function With useEffect Hook
•App Class to Function Component
•Implementing Context
•Create Reducer & Actions
•Moving User State To Context
•Moving Repos State To Context
•Alert Context Workflow
•Home & NotFound Components
•Prepare & Deploy To Netlify
•Project 2 Start [Contact Keeper – MERN] & Express Server Setup
•MongoDB Atlas Setup
•Dependencies & Basic Express Server
•Backend Routes
•Connect MongoDB To Our App
•Backend Users, Contacts & JWT Authentication
•User Model & Validation
•Hash Passwords & Register Route
•Create & Respond With JSON Web Token
•Authenticate Route
•Auth Middleware & Protecting Routes
•Contact Model & Get Contacts Route
•Add Contact Route
•Contact Update & Delete Routes
•Client Side Setup & Contacts UI
•Setup React & Concurrently
•Cleanup, Navbar & Router Setup
•Contacts Context & Global State
•Contacts & ContactItem Components
•ContactForm Component
•Delete Contact From UI
•Set & Clear Current Contact
•Edit & Update Contact Action
•Contact Filter Form & State
•Basic Add & Delete Animation
•React/Express Authentication
•Auth Context & Initial State
•Register & Login Forms
•Alert Context, State & Component
•User Registration
•Load User & Set Token
•User Login
•Logout & Navbar
•PrivateRoute Component
•Contacts API Integration & Deploy
•Add Contact
•Get & Clear Contacts
•Delete Contacts
•Update Contacts
•Prepare & Deploy To Heroku
•Project 3 Start [ITLogger – Redux] – Components & UI
•React & JSON-Server Setup
•Materialize Setup
•SearchBar & Logs Component
•LogItem & Preloader Components
•AddBtn & AddLogModal Components
•Edit & Tech Modal Components
•Redux For State Management
•Redux Store & Provider Setup
•Logs Reducer, Actions & Types
•Connecting Redux To a Component
•Add Logs
•Delete Logs
•Update Logs
•Search Logs
•Technicians State & Components
•Techs Reducer, Action & Component
•Tech Options Select Component
•Add Technicians