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Learn 3d Ar Technology With Xcode And Python




Python Software Training


Technology Learners


Both Classroom and Online Classes


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

Fast Track and Regular 60 Days

Python What will you learn?

•Learn how to work with Python.
•You will learn how to install Python.
•Learn WebdriverIO Testing with real user scenario examples
•Learn about each and every major Python component.
•Learn and Master Python with this time saving course
•Discuss all the principles of Python and demonstrate though Assignment.
•How to focus on writing the correct code to execute Python.
•Students will have a solid understanding on how to create Python App.
•Dive in and learn Python step-by-step from beginner to intermediate level by building a practical project!

learn 3d ar technology with xcode and python Course Features

•24 × 7 = 365 days supportive faculty
•Exercises and handouts after every session
•We assist on Internship on Real-Time Project 
•Trainer support after completion of the course
•Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
• Finessing your tech skills and help break into the IT field
•Curriculum based on course outlines defined by in-demand skills in Python.
•We do Schedule the sessions based upon your comfort by our Highly Qualified Trainers and Real time Experts

Who are eligible for Python

•.net Developer, Business Analysis, Software Testing, Software Development, Linux Administration, java, Automation Testing, hybris, qtp, lamp, css, xml, manual
•Java Developer, Php, Sales Management, Product Management, Software Services, Ui Development, MySQL, MongoDB, Nginx, NoSQL, Solr, Elastic Search, ApacheJava, .Net, Selenium, QTP, DBA, PHP, Neoload, Manual Testing, Rest, Soap, Web Services, SQL, UI, Peoplesoft, Cloud
•Php Developer, Html Developer, front end developer, Ux Designer, Angularjs Developer, Software Developer, Software Testing, Dotnet Developer, Ui Developer, Ui
•Sfdc, Software Development, Visualforce, Salesforce, Sale Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Community Cloud, apex,, customization, detail


Downloading Xcode
•If You Don’t Have a Mac Computer
•How to Download Xcode 9
•Note That Beta is Free
•Swift 4 Language Basics – Variable and Constants
•Learning Goals
•Intro to Variables and Constants
•Primitive types
•Nil Values
•Type Conversions
•Assignment Operators
•Conditional Operators
•Swift Source Files – Variables and Constants from Mammoth Interactive
•Collection Types
•Learning Objectives
•Introduction to Collection Types
•Creating Arrays
•Common Array Operations
•Multidimensional Arrays
•Swift Source Files – Collection Types – Mammoth Interactive
•Control flow
•Topics List and Learning Objectives
•If’ and ‘Else’ Statements
•Else If’ Statements
•Multiple Simultaneous Tests
•Switch’ Statements
•Advanced Switch Statement Techniques
•Testing for Nil Values
•While’ Loops
•For…In’ Loops
•For…In’ Loops 2
•Complex Loops and Loop Control statements
•Swift Source Files – Control Flow from Mammoth Interactive
•Introduction to Functions
•Function Parameters
•Return Statements
•Parameter Variations – Argument Labels
•Parameter Variations – Default Values
•Parameters Variations – InOut Parameters
•Parameter Variations – Variadic Parameters
•Returning Multiple Values Simultaneously
•Swift Source Files – Functions from Mammoth Interactive
•Classes, Struct and Enums
•Introduction to Classes
•Properties as fields – Add to Class Implementation
•Custom Getters and Setters
•Calculated Properties
•Variable Scope and Self
•Lazy and Static Variables
•Behaviour and Instance Methods
•Class Type Methods
•Class Instances as Field Variables
•Inheritance, Subclassing and SuperClassing
•Overriding Initializers
•Overriding Properties
•Overriding Methods
•Structs Overview
•Comparisons between Classes, Structs and Enums
•Swift Source Files – Classes, Structs, Enums from Mammoth Interactive
•Xcode Fundamentals
•Intro and Demo
•General Interface
•Files System
•Storyboard File
•Connecting Outlets and Actions
•Running an Application
•Debugging an Application
•Source Code and Art Assets from Mammoth Interactive
•Introduction to ARKit
•Talking About the View Controller and Scenes
•Talking about Scenes and Object Properties
•Moving Around the Scene
•Adding Primitives to your Scenes
•Adding Primitives to your Scenes (cont’d)
•Adding Nodes and Primitives Programmatically
•Adding other Primitives
•Introduction to Python Programming
•Introduction to Python
•if Statements
•Introduction to Lists
•Introduction to and Examples of using Loops
•Getting familiar with while Loops
•Breaking and Continuing in Loops
•Making Shapes with Loops
•Nested Loops and Printing a Tic-Tac-Toe field
•Sets and Dictionaries
•Understanding Sets and Dictionaries
•An Example for an Invetory List
•Input and Output
•Introduction and Implementation of Input and Output
•Introduction to and Integrating File Input and Output
•An example for a Tic-Tac-Toe Game
•An example of a Tic-Tac-Toe Game (Cont’d)
•An Example writing Participant data to File
•An Example Reading Participant Data from File
•Doing some simple statistics with Participant data from File
•A First Look at Classes
•Inheritance and Classes
•An Example of Classes using Pets
•An Example of Classes using Pets – Dogs
•An examples of Classes using Pets – Cats
•Taking The Pets Example further and adding humans
•Introduction to Importing and the Random Library
•Another way of importing and using lists with random
•Using the Time Library
•Introduction to The Math Library
•Creating a User guessing Game with Random
•Making the Computer guess a random number
•Project Blackjack Game
•BlackJack Game Part 1 – Creating and Shuffling a Deck
•Blackjack Game part 2 – Creating the player class
•Blackjack Game Part 3 – Expanding the Player Class
•Blackjack Game part 4 – Implementing a bet and win
•Blackjack Game part 5 – Implementing the player moves
•Blackjack Game Part 6 – Running the Game (Final)
•Error Handling
•Getting started with error handling
•Matplotlib Fundamentals
•Introduction to Matplotlib
•Setup and Installation
•Creating Our First Scatter Plot
•Line Plots
•Graph Customization
•Labels, Title, and a Legend
•Changing The Axis Ticks
•Adding text into our graphs
•Annotating our graph
•Changing Figure Size and Saving the Figure
•Changing the axis scales
•Advanced Plots
•Creating Histograms
•Building More Histograms
•Changing Histogram Types
•Bar Plots
•Stack Plots
•Pie Charts
•Box And Whisker Plots
•Finance Graphs
•Creating Figures and Subplots
•Getting and Parsing csv data for plotting
•Creating a Candlestick plot
•Setting Dates for our Candlestick Plot
•Reading data directly from Yahoo
•Customizing our OHLC graph
•Advanced Graph Customization
•Adding Grids
•Taking a Closer Look at Tick Labels
•Customising Grid Lines
•Live Graphs
•Styles and rcParameters
•Sharing an X axis between two plots
•Setting Axis Spines
•Creating Multiple Axes in Our Figure
•Creating Multiple Axes in Our Figure (cont’d)
•Plotting into the Multiple Axes
•Plotting into the Multiple Axes (cont’d)
•3D Plotting
•Getting started with 3D plotting
•Surface Plots and Colormaps
•Wireframes and Contour Plots
•Stacks of Histograms and Text for 3D Plotting
•Course Intro and Sketch Tools
•Sketch Files – Sketch Tools
•Sketch Basics and Online Resources
•Plug-ins and Designing your First Mobile app
•Your First Mobile App Continued
•Sketch Files – Your First Mobile App
•Shortcuts and Extra tips
•Sketch Files – Shortcuts by Mammoth Interacti
•Learn to Code in HTML
•Intro to HTML
•Writing our first HTML
•Intro to Lists and Comments
•Nested Lists
•Loading Images
•Loading Images in Lists
•Images as Link
•Mailto Link
•Div Element
•Learn to Code in CSS
•Introducing the Box Model
•Writing our First CSS
•More CSS Examples
•More on Type Selectors
•Getting Direct Descendents
•Class Intro
•Multiple Classes
•id Intro
•CSS Specificity
•Selecting Multiple Pseudo Classes and Sibling Matching
•Styling Recipe Page
•Loading External Stylesheet
•Introduction to Course and D3
•Source Code
•Handling Data and Your First Project
•Continuing your First Project
•Understanding Scale
•Complex charts, Animations and Interactivity
•Introduction to PyCharm
•Downloading and Installing Pycharm and Python
•Exploring Pycharm
•Learning Python with Mammoth Interactive
•Python Language Basics
•Intro to Variables
•Variables Operations and Conversions
•Collections Operations
•Control Flow If Statements
•While and For Loops
•Classes and Objects
•Setting Up and Basic Flask
•Setting up Terminals on Windows 7 and Mac
•Terminal basic commands and symbols
•Source Code – Setting up Flask
•Source Code – Basic Flask HTML & CSS
•Basic Flask Database
•Source Code – Basic Flask Database
•Flask Session and Resources
•Source Code – Flask Session
•Flask Digital Ocean
•Flask Digital Ocean Continued
•Practical MacOS BootCamps
•Introduction and UI Elements
•Calculator Setup and Tax Calculator
•Calculate Tax And Tip – Mammoth Interactive Source Code
•Tip Calculator and View Controller
•View Controller – Mammoth Interactive Source Code
•Constraints – Mammoth Interactive Source Code
•Constraints Code
•Refactor – Mammoth Interactive Sourc