What you’ll learn
- Introduction to Python programming language and its origin
- How Python has changed and revolutionized the world
- Various uses of Python Programming and why you should learn this astonishing coding technique
- Coding basics and functions in Python
- Advantage of python coding procedure over other programming languages
- Taking advantage of the simplicity encoding of python and also exploring a few inbuilt functions
- Creative variety range of applications using Python coding for example games online forms and more
- Using graphical user interfaces and other interface methods which are up to industry standards
- Python programs that are a must every Python for beginners tutorials alongside that will also be comparing and optimizing our code and procedures of coding
- The extension and branching out of python applications
- Exploring a majority of python inbuilt libraries and their functionality to reduce our time for development of the program
- Will be understanding our vast majority of supporting platforms such as Python and also Jupyter notebook and much much more
Introduction to Python
Python history
Python derivatives
The IDLE lookup
Python variable assignment basics
Interface design part
Python different IDLE’S
Basic execution or single line execution
Assignment operation for basic math
Type of the variable
Python FILE
The basic code
Into to interface part-1
Into to interface part-2
Into to interface part-3
Into to interface part-4
Single line coding
Variable assignment
Arrays and lists
Arrays and tuples and creation of tuples
Stings and creation of sub strings introduction
Sub Strings, Loops and Decimal Conversions
Substring part two
Sets and creation of the same sets
Passing list and tuples to dictionaries
Binary hexadecimal and octal numbering
Basic variable
For loop part-1
For loop part-2
More Loops and Statements, Conditions
For loop and break exit condition
Output alteration for for loop
For loop and range function
Nested for loop
For loop in list implementation
If else condition or statement
Elif statement
Assignment operator
Ladder Conditions
Relational operator
Ladder if else
Shorthand part-1
Single statement if-else condition
Short hand and condition
Do while loop
While loop
Functions and Range Functions
Logical operator
Range function part-2
Defining a user defined function
Absolute value function
Self defined functions example with theory
Complex numbers
Any function
Any function part two
Memory efficiency in python using id function
User defined example sum of two numbers
User defined function part-1
User define function part-2
Datatype in python
Python type conversions and decimal errors
Fraction operation
Python math modules
Random variables
List addressing
Negative list addressing
List addressing basics
List appending
Remove and pop and clear
List and Iteration
List method part-1
List method part-2
Iterations and tuples methods
Tuples making ways
Tuple packing parts
Tuple indexing
Tuples negative indexing and slicing
Tuple indexing , count , methods and sequence
Tuple iteration
List count and enumeration
Escape sequences
Pattern printing
hello world program and adding of two numbers in different ways in python
User input based finding square root of given number
Finding area and semi-perimeter of a triangle
Complex numbers
Swapping two numbers using temporary variables
Random input program
Conversion program
Negative or number
Nested checking number positive
Odd or even number determination
Important leap year program
Largest number part-1
Largest number part-2
Prime number or not
Factorial of a number
Multiple of number
Fibonacci series program
Check for Armstrong number
Armstrong checking
Iteration program
More basic program
The Lambda function program
Binary to hex and octal conversions inbuilt-functions
ASCII conversion
Hcf of two numbers
LCM of two numbers
Factorials of any number
The simple calculator part-1
The simple calculator part-2
The cards program
Python code for calendar program
Recursive Fibonacci
Sum of natural numbers using recursion
Factorial using recursion
Recursion using binary number conversion
Matrices addition
Matrix transpose
Multiplication of matrices
A palindrome checker
Remove punctuation program
Alphabetical order
Union and other functions
String counting and matching
Intro to files
E-mail systems
The python IDLES
Spyder and anaconda
Anaconda and matrices
Jupyter notebook and atom sublime-text
Jupyter notebook and atom sublime text
IDLE selection
Python in a nutshell summary
Python Applications of Jumbled Words and Games
The place() + start Python application form
Python GUI analogy
Linux and coding history linking to python GUI
Python GUI part-1
Rock,paper scissor logic and application Part-1
Rock,paper,scissor logic and application Part-2
Magic eight ball and probabilty
Jumbled alternate apporach
Jumbled words program and explanation
All python GUI components part-1
All python GUI components part-2
All python GUI components part-3
All python GUI components part-4
All python GUI components part-5
All python GUI components part-6
All python GUI components part-7
All python GUI components part-8
All python GUI components part-9
All python GUI components part-10
Label counter type-1
Label counter type-2
Menu button
Multi windows
Message boxes
Radio Buttons
Scroller bar
Random function
Python GUI Applications
Python snake GUI program intro
Snake program application Part-1
Snake program application Part-2
Snake program application Part-3
Snake program application Part-4
Output for snake application
Hang man program application
Python for form Part-0
Python for form Part-1
Python for form Part-2
Python for form Part-3
Python for form Part-4
Python for form Part-5
Python for form Part-6
Python for form Part-7
Python for form Part-8
Python Applications of Chat-bot systems
Chat-bot systems Part-1
Chat-bot systems Part-2
Chat-bot systems Part-3
Chat-bot systems Part-4
Chat-bot systems Part-5
Understanding Chat-bot systems Part-6
Understanding Chat-bot systems Part-7
Understanding Chat-bot systems Part-8
Understanding Chat-bot systems Part-9
Understanding Chat-bot systems Part-10
Alternate Chat-bot System Part-1
Alternate Chat-bot System Part-2
Alternate Chat-bot System Part-3
Alternate Chat-bot System Part-4
Alternate Chatbot System Part-5
Applications in Online Quizzing Systems using Python
Quiz Applications Part-1
Quiz Applications Part-2
Quiz Applications Part-3
Quiz Applications Part-4
Quiz Applications Part-5
Quiz Applications Part-6
Quiz Applications Part-7
Python usage in quizzes and modules
Python usage in quizzes and modules Part-2 and intro to next application
Breast Cancer Detector (Python Machine Learning Application)
Cancer Analysis Part-1
Breast Cancer Analysis Part-2
Breast Cancer Analysis Part-3
Breast Cancer Analysis Part-4
Breast Cancer Analysis Part-5
Breast Cancer Analysis Part-6
Breast Cancer Analysis Part-7
Breast Cancer Analysis Part-8