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DBA Course




Professional Institute


Technology Learners


Both Classroom and Online Classes


Week Days and Week Ends

Duration :

Fast Track and Regular 60 Days

Apache Spark Objectives

•Learn the core concepts of DBA Course.
•Learn how to use advanced DBA Course functions.
•Learn Everything you need to know about DBA Course
•Students will learn how to build apps using DBA Course.Learn from scratch how to execute code with DBA Course
•Learn DBA Course from Scratch, Start from basic to advanced level
•Learn Basic and Advanced DBA Course Programming and become a DBA Course Developer
•Learn DBA Course – A super fun way to improve your programming skills
•Learn to build applications on the most flexible enterprise platform for Distributed applications.

DBA Course Training Highlights

•Career guidance providing by It Expert
• First step to landing an entry-level job
•Fast Track course available with best Fees
•We enage Experienced trainers for Quality Training
•We provide Classroom and Online training in Metro Cities
•Project manager can be assigned to track candidates’ performance
•Curriculum based on course outlines defined by in-demand skills in Python.
•Lifetime access to our 24×7 online support team who will resolve all your technical queries, through ticket based tracking system.

Who are eligible for DBA Course

•.Net,, C#, Angular, React, .Net Developer, Ui, Ui Development, Single Page Application, Sql, Product Development
•Dotnet, Java, IOS, Android, SSE, TL, Manual Testing, Automation Testing, PHP Developer, Web Developer, Web Designer, Graphic Designer, Technical Manager, C#
•Javascript, Node.Js, Algorithms, Web Technologies, Web Server, Cloud Computing, HP Data Protector, Technical Skills, Problem Solving
•php, wordpress, drupal, Iphone Developer, Android, Java, Team Management, Android Developer, Mobile Application Development
•Software Development, Software Testing, Solution Design, software, Blueprism Developer, Rpa Developer



&#10004PL SQL Basics
✔Anonymous Blocks
✔Data types
✔Nested blocks and Variable Scopes
✔Control Structures
✔Basic Programs
✔Select Operations
✔DML Operations
✔PL SQL Records
✔INDEX BY Tables
✔Data Insertion
✔Data Traversing
✔Data Retrieve
✔Exception Handling
✔Exception Types
✔Handling Exceptions
✔Pre-defined Exceptions
✔User defined Exceptions
✔Error Number and Error Message
✔Creating a silver light application
✔Embedding silver light application with HTML document, document….
✔Different parts of a silver light application
✔Structure of HTML Page
✔Mandatory tags in the HTML page (HTML, head, body)
✔What is CSS
✔Different ways of applying CSS for elements, and priority chain of CSS
✔Heading tags(H1…H6), Tags and attributes(Class, Id, style..etc)
✔Inline and block-level elements

Cursors and Routines

✔Implicit Cursors
✔Explicit Cursors
✔Cursor For Loops
✔Cursor with parameters
✔Reference Cursors
✔Procedures – Create, Replace, Drop
✔Creating Procedures
✔Formal Vs Actual Parameters
✔Nested Procedures
✔Overloading Procedures
✔Exception handling and propagation
✔Functions – Create, Replace, Drop
✔Creating Functions
✔Nested Functions
✔Overloading Functions
✔Nesting Functions and Procedures
✔Functions in Select and DML Queries
✔Oracle Internal Tables for managing Procedures and Functions


&#10004Packages – Create, Replace, Drop
✔Package Basics
✔Package Specification
✔Package Body
✔Global constants
✔Bodiless Packages
✔Writing Stored Procedures and Functions in Packages
✔Standalone Stored Procedures
✔One-Time Procedures
✔Exception Handling
✔Using Oracle Supplied Packages
✔Execute Immediate
✔Creating and Managing Server Jobs
✔Exporting data in files
✔Oracle Internal Tables for Package management
✔Introduction to all predefined packages
✔User Defined Packages
✔Access Specifiers
✔Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
✔Local, Instance and static variables
✔This keyword
✔Inheritance and Types
✔Working with super classes and subclasses
✔Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and dynamic binding
✔Abstract classes

Triggers, LOBs etc

✔Lob Overview
✔Creating Server Directory
✔Storing BFiles
✔Handling CLOBS
✔Triggers – Create, Replace, Drop
✔Trigger Basics
✔Trigger Types
✔Database Triggers
✔DML Triggers Overview
✔Statement Triggers
✔Row Level Triggers
✔SECURITY Triggers
✔Trigger Management
✔Oracle Internal Tables for Trigger Management