Python Software Training
Freshers and Career Changers
Regular Offline and Online Live Training
Week Days and Week Ends
1.5 hrs in weekdays and 3hrs during Weekend
•How to work with Python Tool.
•What are the advantages of Python?
•Learn Everything you need to know about Python
•A introductory understanding of how to program in Python.
•You will understand how to implement a Python job.
•Master the latest version of Python and create real projects
•Learn the Ins and Outs of Python in few Hours
•Learn Python. Become Developer in Test and Kick-start your Career in IT.
•with this time saving course you will Learn Python and ready to use it
•Free Aptitude classes & Mock interviews
•Course has been framed by Industry experts
•We assist on Internship on Real-Time Project
•Best Opportunity To Both Learn And Work From Home
•Assignments and test to ensure concept absorption.
•Courseware includes reference material to maximize learning.
•One-on-one training, online training, team or Corporate training can be provided
•Very in depth course material with Real Time Scenarios for each topic with its Solutions for Online Trainings.
•.Net Developer, PL SQL developer, UI Designer, Data Analyst, Business Analyst
•Java Developer, .net sqlserver, oracle, mainframe cobol cics db2 jcl, banking financial services, telecom, ccna ccnp networking mcse, W2
•Java tech lead,Java Programming, Java / J2Ee Spring, Java Server Pages, Android, IOS Developer, hibernate, Spring, Core Java
•Oracle Developers, Web Designing, Web Development, Web Technologies, photoshop, illustrator, user interface designing, brochures, Digital Content, ui
•Software Developer, IBM MDM, QA, Business Anlaysit, Business Analyst, Software Engineer, Java, Informatica, DataStage, Project Mangement
Getting Start With Python
•Python3 Vs Python2
•How this Course is Structured
•How to Install Python On windows
•How to install Python on Linux
•How to install Python On Mac
•Run a Basic Syntax with Complete Understanding on Print Function
•Variables & multiple assignment of variable – Don’t Miss this Concept
•Variable Declaration
•Reassigning Variables
•Swap variables
•Scope Variable (Local and global variables in Python)
•Assignment No 1
•Quiz No 1
•What is Difference Between a program and a Script
•The Assert Statement
•Strings you need to Grab complete concept
•Data Types In Python Major Concept
•What is Len Function in String
•Assignment no 2
•Hands on Operators and other Key Concepts
•Operators ( Arithmetic Operator in Python)
•Operators (Assingment Operator in Python)
•Write the Equation to Calculate an Average in one line with Operator
•Assignment No 3
•Using of Assignments operator and Shorthand
•Comparison Operators
•Equal/Not Equals Operators
•Logical Operators in Python
•IS and ISNOT in Python
•Inverting boolean in python
•Bitwise Operators
•Order! Order! (Decision Making and Loops in Python)
•If Statements in Python
•Else Statements in Python
•Elif Statements in Python
•Nested If Else Statement
•For loop in python
•While loop in python
•Break,Continue and Pass Statement
•Nested Loop
•Loops With Else block of Code
•Fibonacci Series in Python
•Functions in Python
•What is Function and How to Define a function
•Calling a function
•Function arguments and Return Vs Print
•Nested Functions
•What is Module
•String Indexing and Slicing And String
•Regular Indexes
•Negative Indexes
•Remove the Character of index value
•Append In Python
•String Format Method
•String Indexing and Slicing
•Max character
•Taking a User Input
•Collections in Python
•Introduction to Python Lists
•Change List Item Value
•Mutable List
•How to write list Literally vs Programmatically
•Check if Item exists in list
•Introduction to the Tuples
•Access Tuple Item
•Delete Tuple
•Iterating Lists
•Indexing and Slicing on Tuples
•Using list as a Stack
•Using List as a Queue
•Growing Lists (Shuffle List & Concatenation )
•Introduction to Dictionaries
•Updating a Dictionary
•Concatenate two Dictionaries
•Sort a Dictionary
•Delete Dictionary Elements
•Length of a Dictionary
•Key exists in Dictionary
•Introduction to Sets
•Convert dictionary into list
•Using Pop Method delete Item From dictionary
•Tree in Python
•Nested Loop Using List
•Exceptions in Python
•Introduction to Exceptions
•Handling Exceptions
•Raising Exceptions
•Try Except and Finally
•Breaking Math operation and use ZeroDivisionError
•Object Oriented Programming In Python
•Introduction To OOP and Key of OOP
•Classes and Objects
•Python Constructor
•Initializing the Object
•Run a Simple Empty Class Example
•instance method with classes and object
•Object Methods
•Self Parameter
•Delete Object and Property
•Accessing Class Attributes from instances
•Multiple Child Classes Inheritance
•Multilevel Inheritance
•Multiple Inheritance
•Method Overriding
•Data Abstraction
•Setters and Getters
•Super Keyword
•The Python Knowledge you need To know
•Lambda Function
•Dictionary Comprehension
•SQLite Database Programming In Python
•Creating a Database and Database Connection
•Python Database Create Table
•Python Database Insert Operation
•Python Database READ Operation
•Python Database Update Operation
•Python Database DELETE Operation
•Python Database Limit
•No-SQL database Programming MongoDb
•Install Mongodb
•Overview on Creating Database in CMD
•Mongodb Connection to python
•Mongodb Create Collection
•Mongodb Insert Document
•Mongodb Find Operation
•Mongodb Query
•Mongodb Update Operation
•Mongodb Delete Operation
•Mongodb limit Operation
•Mongodb Drop The Collection
•Coding Exercise 1
•Coding Exercise 2
•Coding Exercise 3
•Coding Exercise 4
•Coding Challenge #5
+91 70132 88656